wonder if your truck is ready

Spartan Software Suite
Surprisingly capable for how easy it is to use. Be up and running in hours, not weeks or months.

Quick and Easy for Firefighters, Deep and Capable for Administration
FireForms is an online and mobile-ready system that allows departments to create their own custom forms and pick from already built forms. FireForms examples include Station Repair Requests, Requisition for Supplies, Apparatus Repair Requests, After Action Reports and many, many more.

Critical Accountability, Reporting and Tracking for Staff Activities
NeverOffDuty tracks member activities and responses; Emergency Calls, Training, Public Demonstration among a host of other activities. NeverOffDuty provides quick entry of activities and powerful historic searching ... all done in seconds. It's the standard for the modern and growing fire department.

When the first 5 minutes count
The first 5 minutes of any call sets the tone for the next three hours. Our Preplans are easy to use and designed to allow a single unit to develop a complete preplan for even the most complex premises. Then deliver the most critical, actionable information for en route units. Be prepared with our Preplans suite.
About us
who were are
We're firefighters just like you. Spartan Software's products are built for firefighters by firefighters. We knew there had to be a better way to track Requests, Member Activities and Truck Status. Pen and paper just wasn't cutting it in the day of instant communication. Out of that, FireForms was born.
The entire staff and management group at Spartan Software are either Volunteers or Paid Firefighters. We know your struggle for rapid, accurate, salient, actionable information. You need just the information you need and not a lot of fluff. We're just like you, making the world a better place ... one call at a time.
Collectively, we have over 25 years in the software industry focusing on taking paper systems to easy to use digital platforms. Our team is made up of every level of suppression with over 100 years of fire experience. When you speak, we understand.
trial by fire
Spartan Software Suite has been in place and the standard of use at Columbia Richland Fire Service in South Carolina. Over 500 personnel from every discipline depend on the Spartan Software Suite daily. We all know, firefighters are not a patient group for tools that don't work. They won't use a substandard halligan bar, and they certainly won't use substandard software.
Spartan Software Suite was initially received with apathy. "Here's another thing that won't work", they said. We're happy to report that we've proved them wrong. Spartan Software's products have been in place and expanded over the last four years. In that time, countless requests have been processed and handled and even more member activities have been logged. Truly, a successful trial by fire.
Like you, we're not afraid of a challenge. Sometimes instituting new procedures (especially software) can be met with resistance. We love a challenge! We've found the loudest nay-sayers have become our most passionate fans.
We all get better, when we all get better together.